Joanna Lillis, the author of the best-selling Dark Shadows: Inside the Secret World of Kazakhstan , has completed her successful tour of the USA following the book's North American publication on 30 January. Dark Shadows arrives in the Big Apple! Here we publish links to videos of two events, so you can watch on catch-up if you missed them on the day. Joanna Lillis in conversation with Alex Cooley at the Harriman Institute at Columbia University, New York Here’s a link to video of a Q and A with Alex Cooley about Dark Shadows at the Harriman Institute at Columbia University in New York, where you can hear how the book came about and learn more about the diverse, from-the-ground reportage that it contains, if you missed the event on the day. Kazakhstan’s Quest for Identity at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University And here’s a link to the author’s presentation...
Dark Shadows is a compelling portrait of Kazakhstan, a country that is little known in the West, written by Joanna Lillis, a Kazakhstan-based journalist reporting on Central Asia. She has lived in Kazakhstan since 2005 and her work has featured in the Guardian, The Economist and the Eurasianet website.